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Saturday, February 19, 2011

First post: Fandex Inquisition 2010

          This is simply a fantastic piece of work.  Combining Ordos Malleus, Hereticus and Xenos along with their respective combat forces- Grey Knights, Sisters of Battle and Deathwatch.  Though at first glance this project is nothing more than a combination of the Ordos and Adeptus, you will be pleasantly suprised to find that there is more to this book than a simple rehashing of GW lists.  For example; all Inquisitors must be labeled as 'Puritan' or 'Radical', this affects a few things.  For instance only Puritans may take the psychic power 'Purgatos', and only Radicals may take Xenos Mercenaries.  Yes, that's right.  Xenos Mercenaries, specifically Kroot (not really a suprise), Orks, Eldar and... Demiurg.

Some other nifty additions: Untouchables may be added to you Inquisitor's Retinue, thereby providing their anti-psyker abilities; Grey Knight Troop squads now have access to ALL of their psychic powers (they only choose one for the game), access to the Stromraven ;), and they have 2 attacks base; Deathwatch Librarians have their own psychic power list with some tastiness lurking within; Sisters gain access to a Stormraven variant- the Erelim Lander.  In addition, all the lists are in line with the current wargear of the Imperium i.e. 3++ Storm Shields, and many existing units get access to more wargear.  This is simply a must have for any player of the Inquisition/Grey Knights/Deathwatch/Sisters.  The only thing I can find wrong with it is an apparently accidental lack of Special Characters.  There is a title 'Special Characters' right before the summary at the end of the book, but it is a blank page.

5/5 stars.

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